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Reports Specialisterne


Annual reports from Specialisterne

Financial Report


Annual Report 2021

Throughout 2020/21 we have continued to see the evolution of businesses, new innovations and changes to their products and services as we evolve, adapt, and live with covid in our day to day lives. These circumstances continue to present challenges and opportunities for all of us.


Annual Report 2020

This year (2020) marks our 5th Anniversary in Australia. In that time,we have launched almost 400 careers, trained over 4500 coworkers and managers to empower their new colleagues to thrive and influenced businesses large and small to take up the challenge of hiring and retaining Autistic Talent.

Journalist with microphone working on city street
Press Conference


Annual Report 2019

2019 has been a milestone year for Specialisterne Australia. Early in the year we were thrilled to announce the appointment of our first fulltime CEO, Julie Robertson, and her impact already has been immense. Our staff complement now stands at 11 and we are represented in all of the east coast capital cities which allows us to deliver consistently to a broad range of clients and to provide strong support to our autistic talent pool.


Annual Report 2018

In less than three years Specialisterne Australia has been able to make great progress in driving opportunities and removing the existing barriers often seen in the traditional recruitment and hiring processes for people on the Autism Spectrum. This has resulted in over 155 individuals securing long-term, meaningful careers in a range of industries.


Specialisterne Australia Head Office

C/- Infoxchange

Suite G. 01 Ground Floor

678 Victoria Street, Richmond

VIC 3121

T 03 9088 8052

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Specialisterne Australia

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Specialisterne Australia has formally joined the Specialisterne Global Network - Read the full article here

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